Hey everyone
I'm going to make new parts to both stories tomorrow I've been quite busy lately and struggling alot with mental health but I will update the books alot more
Hope you understand
@mcudaughterxstories I just came here, and I know you don't know me and who the person behind this profile is, but I hope you are alright, and if you arent, things will get better!
Hey everyone
I'm going to make new parts to both stories tomorrow I've been quite busy lately and struggling alot with mental health but I will update the books alot more
Hope you understand
@mcudaughterxstories I just came here, and I know you don't know me and who the person behind this profile is, but I hope you are alright, and if you arent, things will get better!
Hey guys sorry I have been very inactive I've been doing my GCSES for the last few weeks so I haven't been able to update due to revising and mental health but I promise after the 16th of june I will post alot more and create new story ideas for you all
I was going to make a few stories on station 19 on the characters and if they had children and was wondering would you be interested in a Maya and Carina's children book or one shots