
Just published Chapter 13 of Anything for You! I know it's been a while, but I'm hoping to use my break to write more and continue to update the story. Go check it out!


I just posted chapter 11 of Anything For You! Check it out:


@meadowmmoon that's great! I'll be sure to check out your new book if you start it. I hope you meet your goal! Best of luck.


@ZoeThedgely hi!! thank you, it means a lot. i have the full book outlined, just put it down for a while since i needed the motivation. my 2023 goal is to write more, so hopefully i’ll either update anything for you or start publishing a different book i’ve been working on for a while!!


@meadowmmoon Hiii. I loved chapter 11 and I was wondering if you are planning on updating your story or if it was discontinued? No pressure, just curious.


Hey! I just wanted to let y'all know that the first few chapters of my very first book on Wattpad are now up. Its a boyxboy, best friends to lovers story. Here's the description: 
          Theodore Matthews and Finn Andrews have been best friends for as long as they both can remember. They've been inseparably close. As Theo deals with horrific past and new discoveries, Finn tries to get over his unrequited love for Theo. But what if his love is not all that one-sided?
          I hope you'll check it out. I'm planning on consistent updates at least until next semester starts!


Hi, I know it might be annoying, but I hope you won't slaughter me for this  below is the description of my new story "17 missed calls" if youre interested, please check it out x 
          Davina Nash is a full-time student who doesn't hestitate when an opportunity to have fun comes her way. She likes to party and spend her money but one day she loses all of it. Desperate for some cash, she decides to start working for a sex phone company, and signs the contract without reading the terms. As her life goes on and her financial situation is stable again, she starts ignoring the incoming calls. Yet she doesn't know that after seventeen missed calls there are some consequences she'll have to face, and they will be much more than just a phone sex.