
Hello there ! I read your bio..and yaayiiee.. we've got many cool similarities ! For starters.. even I'm a Sleep-o-holic !And pizza.. chocolate is life <3  Fictional characters are so amazing they put the real boys to shame :p


@meaggarw  Omg.. Hahhah.. ! yes surely ! Jla is so amazing ! Gosh..books are the best <3 The book boys *sigh* they Totally are <3


@kitten2412  Aww thanks so much for commenting! Honestly I saw you on JLA's page and could totally relate to your little rant on the Lux series, so I just had to follow you! Us fangirls gotta stick together eh? ;)


Thanks for responding to my message on JLArmentrout's board. ^_^ I think I HAVE to check out her books at this point!
          Also, what's this business with yours and my name being almost the same? Seriously, the force is strong today. lol.


@MegHahn  i know right?! what is your real, full name anyways? (if u don't mind me asking) I just don't meet many people with the same-ish name as mine :)