Posting my little rant here causey friend on tiktok won't text me:
right so after i started getting into watching Scott again (a while ago) he was the only person i watched, but when it came to like empires, rats smp and witchcraft smp(also a bit of lil!smp) i started feeling some type of like connection????(yk when you kinda feel like you are them or some idk) and like when he'd do something like a but wrong I'd start explaining to myself what he should have done. due to this it made me become more into(??) jimmy and kinda obsessed with I don't mean to be creepy but it also made me a tiny bit upset when i see him w Tango (ofc he can be friends with Tango, I don't have any known hatred towards him!!) and idk it's kinda odd, just wanted to kinda get it off my chest(none of my friends like any of them and i don't feel comfortable talking to them about it)