@ rosieflute2 Ouh hi rosie! nice to see u again after long long days without your update, no it's actually fine... Forgot is something usual, hope that your problems finished and you're life in the shape.
Anything you wanna do go ahead, i'll happily give you that permission, it's absolutely fine dear. You know what? I think i love you more :)
And about jouska, I'll do something to that story cause now i changed my mind, feels the opening is not really suit. I'll try to do better for jouska but don't be so sad.
I've prepare something for you tho, you don't think that you're the only one who preparing something right? Just wait for it!
Thank you so much for worrying about me, I'm totally and absolutely fine :') hope you're doing great too!
*Sorry for late reply, lately i'm enjoying my holiday and kinda separated from my phone.