
Hello everyone, it has certainly been a long time but I am happy to say that I have returned to Wattpad. I hope you and your family are all well and are safe at home, and please be kind to yourself in these stressful times. I would just like to notify you all that my published works are under intense editing (lord, been rereading and ya boy here is not pleased with the results), thank you for your support and again, take care of yourselves and if y'all need a chat, I have been revived from a long sleep and I am always here to talk, take care.


hello author! welcome back x


Hello everyone, it has certainly been a long time but I am happy to say that I have returned to Wattpad. I hope you and your family are all well and are safe at home, and please be kind to yourself in these stressful times. I would just like to notify you all that my published works are under intense editing (lord, been rereading and ya boy here is not pleased with the results), thank you for your support and again, take care of yourselves and if y'all need a chat, I have been revived from a long sleep and I am always here to talk, take care.


hello author! welcome back x


          i just recently found your work in my library and i enjoyed reading it immensely! it held a very sophisticated and elegant and very in-depth style of potraying the story and its characters were also very realistic and believable that i hope to be able to achieve someday. anyway, keep up the good work and i look forward to reading more from you :)


sorry for such a late reply (somethingn's up with notifs on my acc) and i did write a fanfic for yuri on ice as well (PRESTO, it's called) and if it isn't too much to ask, do you mind reading + giving me a critique on it because it's a rewrite, and i'm honestly not really how to feel about the plot i'm going on with.. like i feel like the angst is just.. to much??¿¿(extreme paranoia lolol) 


Much appreciated! This means a lot and I'm glad that you enjoy this story. Haha, my style of writing is nothing special, as long as you enjoy whatever you write, it's bound to be an interesting tale to read. If you do write something, please, don't hesitate to share ^^


Hi, I really am enjoying Prodigy. Your writing is so pristine and beautiful, and the characters are real and alive. They make sense and are truly what brings a great well-rounded ness to your story. The way you write the complex emotions of the people is so on-point, I just wanted to let you know it's awesome:).


Thank you so much, I'm crying with happiness (I'm emotional to an extent that it's not healthy)~ I'm really happy that you're enjoying the story and I'm ecstatic knowing that someone likes my characters (I was always weary about that) but thank you for your lovely message, I am very grateful and I dearly appreciate your support~~