
Just updated Area21! Let me know your thoughts on it :)


I'm starting a new story! (Yes ADW updates will still be regular) it's called Area 21, and it's going to be awesome! I just finished the prologue, and I love it already. More information on that coming soon! Chapter 10 of ADW has been posted so let me know your thoughts! 


Update for ADW is coming tonight ;) for those of you that read any chapters that were incomplete, that has been fixed. Most of the chapters are posted unedited, but I revised them later with the help of Julia who cowrites this with me. And for anyone who has actually read and reread my story, I want at say thank you. We love hearing your feedback! Don't be afraid to comment because it's the best feeling in the world! 
          Love all of y'all,
          Lola and Julia 


Sooooo, today @AMagicaldream decided to change the cast list of ADW. Your new Canyon Ryes is.........TAYLOR SWIFT!!!  ok so we thought that bc almost no one knows who Kristina Bazan is, we should make her someone else. While watch the Billboards today, that we realized that she was perfect for the role. Tell us your thoughts!!