Alright, I posted a new story taster. I've been inactive for a long time, and I think I'm ready to write again! Please tell me what you think guys, and if you feel I should continue!
Megan x
Alright, I posted a new story taster. I've been inactive for a long time, and I think I'm ready to write again! Please tell me what you think guys, and if you feel I should continue!
Megan x
Hi guys, I think I may give up with Alice potter. It has been over a year since I last updated and I have just looked through it and it oneeds a lot of work. I would like to thank you all for being so brilliant and sometime in the close future I shall start reposting Alice. My old copy is still up. Feel free to comment on things in the story line you feel need changed or I can add in. Thanks everyone!!!
Hi guys, I think I may give up with Alice potter. It has been over a year since I last updated and I have just looked through it and it needs a lot of work. I would like to thank you all for being so brilliant and sometime in the close future I shall start reporting Alice. My old copy is still up. Feel free to comment on things in the story line you feel need changed or I can add in. Thanks everyone!!!
@xX_Lil_Mee_Xx im so sorry i haven't been updating! The story is not on hold and never will be but my school work is mounting up. I have end of year tests anall coming up soon. I promis i will update as soon as i can. Sorrry! Thanks for being so patient <3
@ThatOrdinaryGirl They are mega!!! Just 1 question - can you edit them? If you can could you please add in the rest of the title? Its acc ' Alice Potter - The Girl Who Lived ' They are amazing though! THANK YOU!