I've been wondering. Since I have written some yandere stories. How would you all feel about if I write some non-anime/fanfiction stories? Like when I am finished with the Yandere!Prince, would it be okay if I also rewrite it as an actual story and make it more in depth, because when I write character x reader's. I feel like I am limited to my writing skills.
I don't know, maybe I shouldn't, but I'd love too. Tell me what you all think.
And also sorry for all the unfollows. :/ I just had so many people following me and then unfollowing me, I just had enough. I am sorry, I do love you like a family because I felt like I was going nowhere with this account. So thank you for letting me know that I have succeeded by giving people entertainment. Even though I am not the best writer, but that's why I got wattpad.
But anyways, tell me what you all think of this idea of me writing an actual story.