
Are any of my followers still active??


Hey everybody, its been a while since I've posted on here. I'd just like to say to the very few followers who are still active here, thank you. Thank you for joining me on this journey that I was once passionate about, thank you for reading my fanfiction that I actually am proud of. I never thought that I'd gain such a following from that book, but I did. I made many friends and enemies on this website, but I can say that Wattpad was probably one of the best things that happened to me back in 2013. At first, I started writing One Direction fanfictions (which I deeply regret.) Then I wrote "Summer Spent with Deadlox" which went through many changes and I decided it wasn't good enough (plot-wise.) I finally cranked out "Flaws," my first 'successful' fanfic that I had written, and that I was proud of. I'd like to give a big thanks to a few friends of mine.. Noelle, Vivian (@yungtown, idk her username anymore lol,) Kyra (I forgot her username too yikes sorry) and all of my followers. I'm working on another book, which will probably not be a fanfic, but I'll try to incorporate some of my favorite youtubers in there.  
          Thanks for an amazing 2 0 1 6 !