
@fairymisfit isn't it amazing? Omg, i died when i saw it. @Rainbow_Sparkles made it for me on a cover group, although i don't remember which one.


OMG, alex lives in Canada!?! Does that mean you live in Canada??? Bcuz I too, live in Canada! ^_^  I'm in Ontario! Loved the description of March weather, absolutely perfect!  
          I've sent a msg to all my wattpad fans telling them to come read your story.  You deserve so many more reads! ^_^


I find myself thinking about your story at the most random times.  Today I was walking home from work and out of no where was like 'oh, i wonder when 75 pounds will get an update. i really want to know more about Alex' 


Sorry, i've been meaning to reply to you. I just want to start off by saying, thank you. You're the first person who's ever shown a true passion towards my work. The thing that makes me smile the most is, you're someone i've never met, so my mind can't trick me into thinking that you said that just because i'm self-conscious. I'm very proud of you for overcoming your eating disorder. Its not an easy road. The next chapter will be up in 2-3 days.
          Thanks again (: 


I think you are extremely talented.  I love the way you write.  I think it's interesting that you called your own writing 'bland' when in fact I think it is fascinating! want an example? The imagery of the mother punching Alex in the face with words. POW. It feels vivid, it feels real.  I thought your story was intoxicating! Honestly, absolutely, one of the best stories I have read on wattpad.  I expect you will be published someday. :)  I really hope you add more to 75 Pounds soon, I am completely hooked.