So I guess I'm back. Wow, that was a long (unannounced and unplanned hiatus). It wasn't my fault. As many probably knew, I wasn't feeling really up to anything mentally a while ago. I was really stressed because of school and life in general. As the result, I lost inspiration. I literally couldn't write anything that made sense any longer. And as I don't like half-assed jobs, I just stopped writing overall. This period was last year September till January when I just started Highschool. Eventually, I got better but then my laptop broke down on me and with it everything I had written. It wasn't until the start of June that my dad finally got a new one. In conclusion tho, I'm back (for the next three month at least) and I'll try to update as much as I can in that period.

@meitanteieztr Hella happy to see one of my favourite authors back on wattpad :'D