Hello readers! Very important!! I’m so sorry for procrastinating Bad Moon Rising. Truthfully I just lost the motivation. Good news: I do have a lot of notes and unpublished chapters under editing. Lately I have been thinking about continuing it … It received far more attention than I expected and more than any other story I’ve written in the past. I don’t want to let you all down so i’ll start reading through my old notes and editing the already published chapters too. Bad News: I’ve been having trouble with the email address linked to this profile. I don’t have access to it anymore and I’m afraid it might lock me out one of these days. I do have a backup profile that I will be transferring all my work to. As much as it pains me to lose all the views and all your feedback :( I have to take it down from this profile. The new account will be: @pemberleywriting I’ll keep this profile up for a couple more days before taking it down. Please give me a follow on the other, in the meantime I will be working on Bad Moon Rising. -melancholyevermore