
Just edited the chapters of my book, 'The Eight Shadows in the Abyss' after almost a year. Please check them out:
          	Any feedback would be appreciated!


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          Aside from that, our Dreamland Reviews and Dreamland Help book are great for improving your writing.  Please forgive our slowness in updating though.  If your story needs any graphics such as covers or banners, we also have our Dreamland Graphics book!
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          Never stop dreaming! 
          - The Dreamland Team
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It is exactly a year today, since I first started writing my book/story, The Eight Shadows in the Abyss. Thank you to all my readers who've stayed with me, and for encouraging me to continue. It's really been thrilling and fun doing this, and I also discovered an interest in writing. Sometimes, I felt as if it wasn't enough, that I wasn't too good, but most of the time, I feel it's all worth it. 
          Thank you to all once again, and happy one-year anniversary to me as a writer! :D


@7Srishty Congratulations! You've made it :D. I'm so glad you found happiness in writing; we find happiness in reading your work!


Thank you so much for following our account ❤ We hope you find some usage from us!  Our main way of helping the community is through our four book clubs.  If you want a quick overview of them, you can find one in the Book Club Guide chapter of our book, Dreamland Community.  Clubs are a great way to gain new readers!  If you are in search of a community where you can talk and interact with other writers, you may be interested in our discord!  You can find the link at the bottom of this message.  
          Aside from that, our Dreamland Reviews and Dreamland Help book are great for improving your writing.  Please forgive our slowness in updating though.  We have also recently opened up Dreamland Graphics for amazing covers!
          Even if you don't utilize any of our services, we are very glad to have you as a follower! We hope you have the best Wattpad experience possible. If you have any questions for us, don't hesitate to ask, whether here, in one of our books, or in pms! 
          Never stop dreaming! 
          - The Dreamland Team
          Discord Link:


Hello to all my readers!
          Lately, I've been thinking to either post new chapters or consider editing all my chapters. I've found a couple of mistakes, and of course editing is vital in writing. I just thought I'd ask. A little help would be appreciated!
          Have a nice day/night!


@7Srishty No problemo! Happy writing!


            I agree to all you've mentioned. 
            There were some times where I'd wanted to rush the writing just for the sake of the plot, and there were inevitable moments of unrealistic setting. After pointing a few of those out, I think I should work towards making them better. Editing does seem tiring but its like an ornament to the story, it makes it better than it was before, and presentable if not professional. 
            Thanks for commenting! :D


@7Srishty You're completely right - editing is a very big part of writing. Perhaps it is best to look through it again; it's not bad to patch up mistakes every once in a while.
            Sometimes it's important to go through your story yourself - you're the only one who knows what's going to happen in future chapters. You'll be able to find things that hint at it a little too much, or you'll be able to place a few more hints so that the ending isn't all too sudden.
            Editing can be hard, however, sometimes you'll find yourself skimming. I suggest reading it aloud so you can see if the atmosphere you were trying to create has been flattened/interrupted by accident.


I sincerely want to thank all those who've read and voted on my work. I crossed 400 views and 100 votes some time yesterday and I'm so happy for that!
          I specially want to thank @UND3T3RR3D and @prabal05 for always being my faithful readers!
          Thanks once again! <3


@7Srishty Aww! Glad to be part of the party!


Please comment either here or on my book if you liked reading it! I am lacking behind on feedback and if I post the remaining chapters, it'd be of no use since I won't have readers. To all the 300 people who've viewed my book, please give feedback, for that is what'll motivate me to continue writing!