
For those of you who are still here, please try and check out my new story, i will try and finish hasty pleasure in the meanwhile :) 


Can you please hurry up with hasty pleasure i need to know dress i got (pleasse let it be the one draco got us please.) -not trying to be rude btw.


For those of you who are still here, please try and check out my new story, i will try and finish hasty pleasure in the meanwhile :) 


Can you please hurry up with hasty pleasure i need to know dress i got (pleasse let it be the one draco got us please.) -not trying to be rude btw.


Hi loves, i’m sorry for anyone who have been waiting for the ending of hasty pleasure I just moved on with my life and tried to get away from everything, i’m thinking of giving my story to someone i trust and let them finish it so you guys can have an ending:) I’m so sorry