Hey everyone!
I just want to give you all a big THANK YOU for all the love, patience, and support you guys have been giving me on my story “You’re Mine.”
I love seeing you guys add my story to your reading lists (yes, I look through ALL of my notifications) and I ESPECIALLY love reading your titles for these reading lists lol. It makes me happy knowing that my type of people are enjoying it as much as I am!
I know I’ve been very *very* slow to re-writing, and that is because I’ve been terribly busy with college, work, and making some time for myself. As May rolls around, I’ll definitely have more time to write, and I couldn’t be more excited! I’ll still try to write when I have time here and there, but the summer is when you’ll see the most frequent updates (:
You all are incredible, and I hope you’re doing okay.
Be Brave,