I haven't seen you around Sotus House lately, wanted to pop in and say Hi! Hope all is well! Just for you I clearly marked any Hot chapters so you could have oxygen at the ready, I didn't want you passing out on me! ;)
@iSikachu I'm sorry to hear that your mom is ill. I know from experience how tough that can be taking care of your family, but I wouldn't trade that time or the memories for anything. Just remember to take care of yourself! I look forward to seeing you soon in Sotus House! Take care! Seriously, don't pass out on me... ;)
@LaceyRay oh my gosh that's so sweet of you to message me! ;; I just had quite a lot of stuff to take care at home since my mother is ill so i've taken time off from my studies to take care of her and rest of the family members, so I've just been busy with that XD plus i am a part of a kpop radio show team so I do a weekly kdrama segment...that got me busy too!
OH LORD THANK YOU FOR THE MUCH NEEDED OXYGEN omg akgijioedosh i am already loosing some while thinking about it XD hahah i hope i don't pass out too XD I will read all the updates today and you'll see you just commenting 'akfhkjsdhgfkjs' everywhere probably haha XD
thank you for messaging me tho! I really appreciate it!
Thank you for the follow! I can't wait to check out your work, can't resist stories with cute boys! If you're interested in a BrightxRomexPick fan fiction @innerempireeee are writing Two is Totally Better Than One over on her account. Rome has his hands full with those two, but also a whole lot of fun!
@LaceyRay Aww it's alright and thank you for following me too! ^^ thank you so much XD I've only written a one shot so far but I do plan on writing a chaptered fic at some point XD Aww thank you for the recommendation! I will surely read it~~ Hahaha bless Rome, he's got his hands full XD