Hi everyone! Chapter 4 is a bit late, but hopefully it's not too long of a delay. In all honesty, I know no one reads these things so I don't think anyone cares too much lmao. Anyways! I hope you guys enjoyed, the last bits of dialogue between Kailynd and Elrios was probably the most challenging part, and a little TMI, but I rewrote it like 4 times because I wanted to get it just right, so I really hope it meets everyone's expectations. One little spoiler I can give that I'm SUPER SUPER excited to share is that 2 chapters in a row will be from a different character's point of view, I'll let you guys use context clues to figure out who it might be~
You'll get this *character's* backstory with a nice, lengthy flashback and how it relates to our lovely MC, Kailynd and my goal with those two chapters is to add more depth into the story and explain everyone's motivations a bit more. I've already started on Chapter 5, and if we're talking deadlines, my goal, which is probably unrealistic, is to get this done by the first week of March, but knowing me, it could vary because I suck at staying consistent. Please enjoy Chapter 4 of Through The Flames of Truth for now and I'll hopefully see you all soon, thank you so much! <3