this message may be offensive
I just absolutely hate one thing... that is leading a person to read a book and then hang them off by giving an awful cliffhanger to end a book. When again reading the sequel, they just move the whole book to another website. I just feel sorry for people who have to experience this, getting their emotions riled up only for them to be disappointed. I really liked a book today, I literally have my exams, yet I was obsessed enough to finish that shit of a book. Only to find that the other book is only available in another platform. I don't know if people get it or not. But people coming in wattpad come here to read books for free. Most of the teens are not even able to have enough money to pay online. This is just ridiculous. So, I just want to say that, when I will complete a book of mine. I won't let u guys hanging. The pain sucks. Sorry for the unnecessary rant though. Gotta get my mind out of things, plus I want to share my life with y'all.