
good night. I got advice. making confirmation not to be eliminated. My Goodness. I am at a loss about these...please be calm and nyuwun ing Gusti ben dimudahkan. Go go go meng


Hi, just wanna writing down my feeling, writing is a reflection of our mind, feel, so on, the beauty of art as author will be showing off. I opened it and turns out the access has been locked. Literally I didn't want to use it anymore. But I saw the positive respond, yet now I saw it is a hate. I've asking for permission last time, and I thought he understood, but this is so hurt more than with my teddy, more than with megane,  I mean, am I hurt you so much bby?? I am very sorry, nyuwun tulung Gusti sampekan ki kanggo tiyang kui. Me too, here is so hurt,  pain, etc...even before we met this heart has a hole, I am waiting the trully of my flower of happiness to coming, to fulfil it. Until this second, whole needle is still attacking me, yen ono ngawur gawe tiyang liyo, nyuwun ampun Gusti, pangapunten gawe  orop uwong kae. I hope myself will be better and Gusti never leave me no matter what I did. just go on and fix the things.
          "author we believe you will be comeback more stronger, show it off to the world! your flower of happiness is waiting further. don't feel blue, merga njenengan ndue Gusti  Allah"


Sugeng ambal warso author. Alhamdulillah Gusti engkau isik paringi umur panjang, kesarasan lan liya-liyane. Ngantuk pol nulis ki :v soale wes jam 12.30 saiki, singkat ae lah. Mugi-mugi author NM iso dadi pribadi lebih baik, dimudahkan segala urusan lan Gusti mengampuni sak kabehane kesalahan, aamin. send much love to detmel, oh iyya no ribut haha, so everyone who is remembering this special day, I am impressed and on top of the world. wilujeung sumping semester pitu lan skripsi sedelok maneh...bismillah hwaiting detective, bersyukur kepadamu Gusti masih paringi kulo kanyab tiyang kipa masio sebagian uga lungo
          on Tuesday, 7th of May, 2024 at 12.37 AM


deleted him or her in your life, you deserved people better, so soryy...but i just miss people who respect their saying, I see why the lect canva said people wanna go so far from their home, turns out many things made you lazy to see these ***** do not cry again due to happy day will be coming, detective, you will be happy soon, just surviving a moment


even you are too fiery and many positive, and you forgot that you were sick. Heyyo nggo kalian sing masih malas-malasan, you must ndelok ayas. Aku kuat banget surviving tanpa perduli lagi nyapo. So huge appreciate to you author meng meng. I am sure, really, you have a gift from Gusti behind this, same like before. Maybe twice better. mek ngenteni ae...hoho


Bengi ki, ayas knew, he really hate me, whatever reason, it should be there is clarify yet no one, he isn't person who I know, or it is not him or whoever, I can't mengenali my teddy again. naturally you must be crying but no more. Today is time to begin journey verification what they did, I've ever occured like this in the past when Gab's fan mate left me without saying a word at all. So I thought you have experience, detective mel! Don't waste your tears to fu*king stuff like this. I see, an understimate due to my lack indirectly, but previous for me he's my teddy and start this second you aren't my teddy again. No more. One fine day, you will show up that you aren't bad in all around, but you are outstanding student! a sincerely is tested here, author! You've seen which trully sincerely or not! When you're on the top, let's see! Mein Liebe author, you are stronger! You have Gusti by your side. Hwaiting, you could facing these obstacle, you know chapter by chapter, your temptation is higher, and this time is to show up proof that you really are, you are cia Detective Nurul Maylida.


Sugeng enjing mate. ayas bali rene mari pirang bulan, haha. thank your for loves you've sent to my story IG Ingrid Gabriel story, I am elated. I just want to share the rainbow in my life, I mean, the sorta colours like rainbow, sometimw it would be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan, as well as violet. Urip ki dipenuhi berbagai warna, nek kadang awakmu seneng, nek awakmu kadang sedih. Ayas meleg nipacu, dadi kuat yo author Nurul Maylida! Who's survive through the barrier is a winner, like my mate said to me last time. My wish nggo wayah-wayah ki yaiku bring him to the right way, ya Gusti. bring back my teddy into person who I acquaintanced like usual.  Ayas ulales tangi atakku gawe him, adewe include people who made him in a pressure, so I wouldn't to suddenly take him suddenly and say louder "where are you in fuc*ing these times!?" heol sometimes I could being a fiery girl, yet now I have to control, My praise only for you almighty Gusti, all my hope which is I want only I asking for to you, ya Gusti. Gimme a strong soul and you will pass the blue days detective! For sure.


halo, sugeng dalu, ati sen mbiyen tao ngelarani..wes suwe we ra rene..we lungo mung masalah sepele..we golek liyane..omg why am I singing right now ㅋㅋㅋ anyway ikias onid rihal author , ayas kedu talet oyi jess, gak nopo-nopo ngis ngintep ayas meleg nipacu nuwus gawe orop oncok orgem siw ikekeng napacu ngan macam2 panggon, imser rong puluh ikias, tamales author, mugo-mugo diparingi berkahing, sehat lan hebak ngis sae oyi aamin     sincerely author Detmel on 7th May 2023 10.09 PM