
Hey All, 
          	My friend wrote not one- but TWO awesome novels that involve angels, demons, romance, action, adventure, and all out epicness! Check out “Beneath the Heavens," a spinoff novel to “The Devil’s Secret.” Set in multiple realms and told from dual perspectives, the story focuses on Damien’s fight for his father’s throne and title: King of Hell, ruler of the undead, whatever else the mortals like to call the Devil and his kingdom. As Damien plots to usurp his father, he overlooks one important factor: an angel. Azrin, an angel of Heaven, has committed to putting Damien on the path of righteousness. Is Damien truly falling in love and seeking redemption, or is Azrin just another part of his plan? Read “Beneath the Heavens” to find out!


Hey All, 
          My friend wrote not one- but TWO awesome novels that involve angels, demons, romance, action, adventure, and all out epicness! Check out “Beneath the Heavens," a spinoff novel to “The Devil’s Secret.” Set in multiple realms and told from dual perspectives, the story focuses on Damien’s fight for his father’s throne and title: King of Hell, ruler of the undead, whatever else the mortals like to call the Devil and his kingdom. As Damien plots to usurp his father, he overlooks one important factor: an angel. Azrin, an angel of Heaven, has committed to putting Damien on the path of righteousness. Is Damien truly falling in love and seeking redemption, or is Azrin just another part of his plan? Read “Beneath the Heavens” to find out!


Hello Fellow Readers and Writers, 
          Hope you're having a great summer! 
          I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to all of my new, and already existing, followers for all of your support! I've decided to write a new story, "Tethered to a Nightingale" (that I will follow through with no matter how many other new ideas plague me in the process!) 
          I hope you guys will come on this journey with me and enjoy the ride!  


I absolutely lurvvv itttt!!!!! :) tbfows is really good. its one of the few books that captured my attention–I can't even drop my phone because of it. I read your bio and well if you're curious my favorite color is red, i love ed sheeran, imagine dragons and many more, don't ask me what my fave food is EVERYTHING yes,no questions asked there. and I just love books.. keep being good. I<3U


i finished tbfows and it was absolutely amazing. I'm going to go back and vote on all the chapters so don't be alarmed when you receive tons on votes in the span of ten seconds, I read the whole book. I hope you continue with snapped and sentenced I really love your books.


Hello lovely fans! 
          I know it's been a while, but I've finally uploaded Snapped and Sentenced, so I hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks a lot for the support! :D 
          P.S Thanks a lot to all of the people who rate and comment on any of my stories, it really makes feel so fuzzy inside when I see people becoming fans or commenting/'s totally awesome of you! So thank you!!!! :D  


YAY CHAPTER 15 IS UP MY LOVELIES! :D I also would like to wish you and your loved ones happy holidays and all the best! Hope you guys are having a good time and enjoy the chapter (one scene in particular was just a little heart-wrenching for me haha) :]  


Hey guys,
          Chapter 14 of Deadly Lies is now up!! (Ah I know, exciting :D) 
           I know I've been away for a while and I'm terribly sorry! Finals had started and I just now found some time in which I could finally just sit down and write. However, I do still have two finals left, but I shall be a free woman after this week. Free to write and finally read haha! Anyway, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the new chapter! As always, stay awesome you guys! 
          -Melissa :]