
Should I change smile and hidden to just books instead of making it a "jimin" short story thing cause I don't mention him in the story at all


Sorry I'm an idiot and forgot to update anyone on the fact that I don't use wattpad that much anymore (or at all)  but if you care about me or anything you could go follow me on Instagram @samfmedina(main) , @samsoba(art acc- I post stuff on a story maybe turning comic thing)  and/or Twitter @samfmedinaaaa (or not it's fine)
          I deleted this on my phone so I won't get really updated but it was a good four years in this app (I might still use it a bit) butuh ok byEee


just a little heads up for people who care for updates
          I will be taking a little hiatus since my writing flow just isn't the best. i would still try to make chapters but I've already dedicated to inktober and that's what I'm trying to prioritize (other than school of course) 
          I'll try to update once in a while but after October, I'll be updating again, hopefully more consistently. I'll also try on December but that's a stressful month (according to school schedules) and when Christmas break rolls in I might just be too busy to update (I have a life) .


@stancha ♡♡♡thank you for understanding(。・ω・。)ノ♡