
Hello friends!
          	It's... already November 30th... I can't believe how fast this year is soaring by. Time for an update! 
          	In five chapters, December Boys will be completed. It feels like an eternity since I started posting in June/July (I can't even remember the exact date). My feelings are a mixed bag right now. On one hand, I am incredibly happy and relieved. This is the first time I wrap up a major story. The first time I can look at something and say "hey, I finished this." This is such a big deal to me! On the other hand, I feel sad. It's hard to explain why, but there's something melancholy about completing this particular chapter of my journey. I don't have another story to post when I'm finished, so I don't know when my next story will be up. 
          	I just want to say thank you to everyone who's stopped by, read one chapter, five, or the whole thing. I'll do a proper thank-you post once the last chapter is up, but know that I appreciate every single one of you. The final chapter will be up on December 15th (of course), and I hope you can forgive me for posting on Saturday instead of Friday just this once.
          	Good luck with exams and other things that December brings upon you! Hectic days are ahead of us, but I'm sure we can get through them. 
          	Until next time!


Hello wonderful author
          Are you online anymore?
          I'd like to know
          I was a little late to the party
          But your story was ✨ amazing ✨
          I absolutely loved it and the writing is amazing. I was so surprised it has less than 10k what?????
          It was an absolute masterpiece and it's super underrated.
          I was looking for stories with asexual characters as I feel like I don't see that often and as a asexual person myself I was so happy to see representation in your story.
          I absolutely loved it
          Thank you for making such an absolute masterpiece
          Thank you for your time


Hello friends!
          It's... already November 30th... I can't believe how fast this year is soaring by. Time for an update! 
          In five chapters, December Boys will be completed. It feels like an eternity since I started posting in June/July (I can't even remember the exact date). My feelings are a mixed bag right now. On one hand, I am incredibly happy and relieved. This is the first time I wrap up a major story. The first time I can look at something and say "hey, I finished this." This is such a big deal to me! On the other hand, I feel sad. It's hard to explain why, but there's something melancholy about completing this particular chapter of my journey. I don't have another story to post when I'm finished, so I don't know when my next story will be up. 
          I just want to say thank you to everyone who's stopped by, read one chapter, five, or the whole thing. I'll do a proper thank-you post once the last chapter is up, but know that I appreciate every single one of you. The final chapter will be up on December 15th (of course), and I hope you can forgive me for posting on Saturday instead of Friday just this once.
          Good luck with exams and other things that December brings upon you! Hectic days are ahead of us, but I'm sure we can get through them. 
          Until next time!


Hello friends!
          October is here! It's been a while since I checked in, so I decided to update before the month is gone.
          I just posted the 40th chapter of December Boys. This means I've been posting twice a week for 20 weeks, which is unbelievable and kind of insane. I never expected to get this far, so now I have no choice but to finish it. 
          And finish I will. I'm nearing the end of a very long journey. My plan is to finish posting in December, and I actually can't wait. It's been hard to keep up with the schedule as of late, and I feel like I should apologize for my writing in the last few chapters. I know the whole thing is in desperate need of an edit, but I can't think about that until it's all done. I'm sorry and thank you to those who are still with me. You mean the world to me!
          In other news... I've already started doing some research on my next book... It's going to be a completely different thing from DB, which is super exciting and very needed right now. I'm keeping a lid on it for a while yet, but here are some keywords: survival, sci-fi, and adventure. Wooo! 
          If there's one thing I know about my next project, it's that I'll finish the whole shebang before I start posting. The stress of trying to write ahead is too much for me to deal with. 
          That's all for now! I hope everyone's staying healthy and working on stuff. Until next time ~


Hello friends! 
          It's been a while since my last update (almost a month already?? How does time pass this quickly...) so it's time for us to chat again. I'm thinking of doing this as a monthly thing from now on, since notifying followers actually works now. 
          Health news: still not doing very well, but my writing has been less affected than I feared, and I've been able to be more social online again. Big yay!
          December Boys news: We're on chapter 25, folks! I think we're about halfway now, which is exciting and terrifying at the same time. I've written up to chapter 37, so I've still got enough material to keep my posting schedule. Another yay! Thank you to those of you who are still with me -- I appreciate it so much. 
          In other DB related news - I'm on the lookout for a new cover! I've got a few requests floating around the threads right now, but I haven't been able to get a fit just yet. I hope I'll find the perfect cover by the end of September. 
          That's it for now. I hope everyone's having a great time and getting lots of stuff done on your projects. See you next month!


Hello friends! 
          I just wanted to post a quick notice here. I haven't been able to be very active on the forums or on the site for a couple days. My mental health has never been much to write home about (rip), but summer vacation tends to be the worst time of the year for me. I'm struggling through a particularly challenging bout of depression right now. 
          I've got a comfortable buffer of chapters for DB written up, so I'll still be posting twice a week, like normal. I just wanted to let you all know in case I won't be able to reply to comments, or I'm late to check out updates to stories I follow. 
          Thank you for reading! Until next time ~


Hello good friends! Time for some ~ THOUGHTS ~ & ~ NEWS ~
          1) Chapter 14 of December boys is up! The tension is building, and one of my favorite chapters is right around the corner. I'm really excited about where the story is going. 
          2) I'm in the process of doing some heavy editing on the first few chapters. I joined an exchange recently, and the feedback I've received has been fantastic. I'm implementing some structural changes based on the comments I've received. I'm sad to see inline comments disappear, but the edits are necessary to make the story better. I'll most likely publish the edited version of chapter 1 later today. Sorry for any stray notifications you might get!
          3) I'm super excited about the changes to the clubs! I'm a new user, so the old clubs have been really clunky for me. I have some previous experience with Discourse, and I think it's a great platform for conversation. I'm looking forward to being more active there!
          Alright, back to editing. BYE!


My friends! Chapter 12 of December Boys is OUT! 
          This one is twice as long as my regular chapters... It was impossible to cut it, so... Consider it a treat...?  I might write an author's note on this later, but writing this chapter was difficult. It deals with some themes I have personal experience with, which is always hard. Anyway! Thanks to every single person that checks out December Boys! Especially those of you who vote and comment. You mean so much to me. 
          Until next time! BYE.


Hello! I'm super bad at using this area! I'll try to get better! Time for news! December Boys chapter NINE was uploaded yesterday. Have a clicky click if you like: 
          I posted an author's note recently about the banners in my book. I wanted them to be transparent, but apparently PNGs only appear transparent when viewed on the app. I'm not sure I can bear to look at the gray box that shows up on web view :( In other words, switching out the banners has been postponed for now. 
          Next December Boys chapter will be up on FRIDAY! Hopefully Wattpad gives me a break from system outages this time. Until then! BYE