Hello friends!
It's... already November 30th... I can't believe how fast this year is soaring by. Time for an update!
In five chapters, December Boys will be completed. It feels like an eternity since I started posting in June/July (I can't even remember the exact date). My feelings are a mixed bag right now. On one hand, I am incredibly happy and relieved. This is the first time I wrap up a major story. The first time I can look at something and say "hey, I finished this." This is such a big deal to me! On the other hand, I feel sad. It's hard to explain why, but there's something melancholy about completing this particular chapter of my journey. I don't have another story to post when I'm finished, so I don't know when my next story will be up.
I just want to say thank you to everyone who's stopped by, read one chapter, five, or the whole thing. I'll do a proper thank-you post once the last chapter is up, but know that I appreciate every single one of you. The final chapter will be up on December 15th (of course), and I hope you can forgive me for posting on Saturday instead of Friday just this once.
Good luck with exams and other things that December brings upon you! Hectic days are ahead of us, but I'm sure we can get through them.
Until next time!