I just wanna day I just read “Laurex Romance” and it was SO CUTEE AND SOO GOOD” The middle part with Baz got SOO WIILD! Ik its 2020 and Lauren and Alex went their separate ways but I will always CHERISH THEIR RELATIONSHIP! Also I have a fan acc of Alex and i would really love for you to come say hi❤️ My username is @love.ly_aw. You don’t have to obviously but I would really love for you to come by anyways have a wonderful dayyy

@JoseySwanson omg wow. That’s a lot of reading in 2 days. Well I’m glad you enjoyed it so much that you couldn’t stop reading it

Also I wanna point out that I started reading it 2 days ago and finished yesterday! I usually HATEEE reading but I just could not stop reading! And ThankYou Sm

@JoseySwanson aww thank you! And yes, I know it was definitely a rollercoaster. And honestly same, there relationship will always be a part of who I am. And yeah totally, I would love to check it out! ❤️