Hey, I just started my new story ( and first one) and I would appriciate it if you check it out(maybe vote idk). It has only cast and description for now so :)
You're going to get your wish! I'm starting a new poetry collection tomorrow and in it I will continue writing Strange Travels, and indeed all my poetry. For a while I'll just be adding the legacy material you've read, but eventually I'll start releasing fresh material. :)
I was checking out your reading list and thought anout how i dont mind Waiting for you to publish you own books. Nice to meet you . Im sky an you seem like a very avid wattpad reader ")
@The_WorldBreaker i,um, honestly dont know what to say, but thank you, i am although interested in what might be interesting books but i really cant put my ideas down, or be good enough, have the time, and haha patience for all of it. To think you would think you would want a book from me makes me happy! Maybe in the future, remembering your words, I'll write something.
Love your username as well as ghost town. I'll be reading more from you soon. Please check out my poetry book too. I would really appreciate it. Thanks you xoxo!