I FINALLY UPDATED MY STORY!!! Lol after trying my best to change some of it up and getting rid of my writers block I got an AMAZING idea and WENT WITH IT!! I hope everyone loves it and I hope you don’t hate it because I changed some of it up I only got about three chapters done because I was in the car for about 10 hours I’d say and had to write but I’ll update more tomorrow love yall thank y’all!!
*give you a flower*
Thanks for vote and read (my powerful omega) book. I appreciate it! *bright smile*
Hope you like the story! And here-
*give you more flowers*
bye *wave hand*
Of course! It was an amazing book and I hope all your others are just as amazing I can’t wait to read the others
Keep up the great work can’t wait to see more
I FINALLY UPDATED MY STORY!!! Lol after trying my best to change some of it up and getting rid of my writers block I got an AMAZING idea and WENT WITH IT!! I hope everyone loves it and I hope you don’t hate it because I changed some of it up I only got about three chapters done because I was in the car for about 10 hours I’d say and had to write but I’ll update more tomorrow love yall thank y’all!!
Update my symptoms keep coming one after another lol I’ve had
-no taste
-zero energy
-stopped up nose
-aching joints
-little confusion
-and shortness of breath
this sucks big time love y’all hope y’all are doing ok
Hey everyone I do have the covid and it feels like I got hit by a truck I don’t wish this on anyone hope y’all be safe I’m going to be asleep for a while sorry if I can’t comment like your posts or update my books myself
Hello everyone I’m sorry I haven’t been feeling well lately that probably sounded to professional lol but I might have covid and I feel like shit right now but I’m trying to get better and I’ve been having to take care of my Meemaw
She broke her knee and I’ve been the only one to help her I just started feeling some symptoms this morning i don’t know yet if I have covid or not
Hope y’all are doing ok. stay safe because this sucks lol I’ll post another comment when I find out if I have covid or not love yall
Np your work is really good lol different but really good keep up the great work I would never be able to make a book like yours lol I’d be to afraid to