
hello everybody. at this point, i'm not in a state to write much. fltm will be continued after some time, hopefully soon.
          	take care.
          	x, Indivari.


@meowingpenguin we'll be patient hon, you take care


so, April's nearly ending. i went on a trip last week. school starts tomorrow. haven't been able to move further with my romance project. but i won't publish the chapters until i've written half of the draft. idk when that's gonna happen, but i hope it isn't too late. 
          x, Inds.


hi! i'm proceeding slowly with the new work, 3k words in till now. as far as i can tell, writing romance is very hard. with my own teen love luck being a bit messy, i see that it's quite difficult to write that "build up" between the love interests. 
          anyway, i'm trying to write the best i can and for that ig i'll need more time than ever. i'll just complete a fair amount of chapters and then start updating the story here.
          stay healthy and happy, y'all <3
          xx, Indivari.