... I hope nothing bad happened to ya. "the time stopping rose" is one of my favorite stories on here. anyway if you're still alive i hope you are doing well.
@meowyble ah that sounds rough hope you sort things out family issues suck. take all the time you need. heck knowing you want to continue it is enough for me I can wait as can the other readers. best of luck.
@Ranjira I have no idea when I'll continue this but this makes me feel bad enough to explain at least. I do still want to continue this but family issues beyond my control have made this hard. I have no idea when I'll get the chance to sit down and finish this up. I am alive just currently stuck between a rock and a hard place due to said family issues I cannot even currently acquire a job due to them. it it amazing to see people still reading and even liking something that to me has so many flaws and I feel when I do get the chance to finish this is will be a breakthrew in my life I can only ask to be patient as I try my best to find time to get both the motivation and the time to finish this. Thank you for being so supportive.