I js started reading your book “the lieutenant next door.” And I’m only on the first chapter atm but I js have to say I’m in love with your writing style I wanted to ask if you have any tips or beginner writers? Much love -M3L
@iluvvm3l Hello lovely! First off, thank you so much for reading my fics, it means the world to hear that you're enjoying it. I’m still learning and growing as a writer, but I’m more than happy to share what I've learned. Personally, I write what excites me. Passion shows in your writing, whether it’s a scene, a character, or an idea. While, yes, you want others to enjoy your work, you should keep in mind that you should enjoy it as much, if not more. To me, writing is something I use to unwind or even daydream, but it's different for everyone. You might like cliches others don't, or tropes others do, but don't let that dictate your writing, just do what feels right. You should also be patient with yourself. Writing can feel overwhelming at times, especially when you’re starting out. Allow yourself to make mistakes, it’s all part of the process. First drafts don’t have to be perfect; they just need to exist. I recommend reading too, not just fics but books, when you have the time. When I'm busy, I make it a goal to read 30-50 pages a day. Read widely and take notes on what you love (or don’t love) in others’ writing. It can help you discover your style, or just give you that mental idea of what you prefer. Whether it’s 100 words a day or a few hours on weekends, consistency will build your skills over time. Though don't feel sad if you just don't write, or if you have writer's block or whatnot, sometimes there will be days you don't write and a night that you finish a story. Creativity is unpredictable. Don't forget to reread and edit. The magic often happens in revisions. Be ruthless with your work but kind to yourself, it’s normal for the first draft to be rough. And most importantly, don't feel ashamed of your creation, you made something out of nothing. Your skills will only get better from here, so believe in yourself. Much love right back to you! <3