
I was supposed to ask earlier and it completely slipped my mind. It's inevitable that the next chapter is going to be the wedding, do you guys want me to add images to the chapter or do you want to just imagine the wedding for yourselves??


@merdersloves   it would be really nice to have some pictures for visuals.  I also have some suggestions for upcoming chapters, obviously mer getting prego is a suggestion, also a couple chapters ago you did that short storyline of that 17 year old girl coming in to the hospital prego, and then u kinda maybe hinted that would happen to Alison, but i would prefer it didnt, only cause i like how the merder storyline is going and i don't want anything to mess it up:) but its totally up to you


I was supposed to ask earlier and it completely slipped my mind. It's inevitable that the next chapter is going to be the wedding, do you guys want me to add images to the chapter or do you want to just imagine the wedding for yourselves??


@merdersloves   it would be really nice to have some pictures for visuals.  I also have some suggestions for upcoming chapters, obviously mer getting prego is a suggestion, also a couple chapters ago you did that short storyline of that 17 year old girl coming in to the hospital prego, and then u kinda maybe hinted that would happen to Alison, but i would prefer it didnt, only cause i like how the merder storyline is going and i don't want anything to mess it up:) but its totally up to you


It’s been 5 months (to the day I actually checked) since I last uploaded a chapter and I’m so sorry guys! I lost motivation for writing this book as I had writers block and then moved schools and had a big health problem so found myself very busy. 
          But sitting down and writing this chapter has actually been relaxing… and I know I’ve said this before… but I’m going to try and upload more often.
          Apologises once again, but I hope you all enjoy the new chapter!


I hope you’re doing better, we’re all here for you!