Hiya, Meredith :)
Welcome to Wattpad!
The best way to start attracting fans is upload a chapter every few days. Each upload places you on the "What's New" page & under teh "Newest" category!
So space it out and take advantage of that Wattpad Advertising for you!
Visit our Book Covers Club to find tips - or someone- who can help you design the jacket - and to aslso include the title and author name you want on your works! http://www.wattpad.com/club/30-book-cover
Mingling with other wattpadders is as easy as finding and clicking on the Clubs link - located under the Community tab! There is no limit to how many clubs you can join or how many threads you can subscribe to :D
If you ever need anything - advice, questions answered, have an issue - REPLY to tag a msg to me or Click my Pic to post on my board ;)