
Ah, please finish the Rose Garden story!! It’s so good, if you didn’t like the last chapter just change it but the story is soooo good! I’m dying to read the rest of the story.


@ egilho  Hey sweetie, first of all, thank you so much for your support. However, I regret to say that I never expected something like this while writing; it was never my intention for it to be seen as harassment or anything like that. I was just trying to express something, and I never thought something like this would happen. As I mentioned at the end of the writing, this was just one of the thoughts in the character's mind. In the next chapter, there will be completely different thoughts, and the ending will be something totally different. This event never actually happened. I had already pointed this out when writing, sharing, and quoting it, and I mentioned it to my friends as well. Unfortunately, I was misunderstood, and this really hurts me. That was never my intention, and it broke my heart. Being misunderstood, especially in such a sensitive issue, is very hard. I think it's best for me to stay quiet and retreat into myself for now. Maybe one day, I’ll continue, as I still had so many beautiful stories left to tell. But again, thank you so much for your support.
            Being misunderstood this way is tough, and yes, I know they are right to feel that way, but the way it's been interpreted and the pressure I’m receiving is really hurting me. I feel awful, like my heart is broken inside. I think for now, it’s best to just be silent and retreat into myself.