Dear All,
Once, I believed that writing was the gateway to acknowledgment. Now, rethinking the circumstances all over again, I realize how wrong I was. Take a step back, right now. We all are seeing things in large scale. So, do it. Right now. What do you see? I'll tell you what I see. I see a dot. Quite interesting actually. I don't see a random dot on a map--signifying a city--I see a period. This special instrument finishes a thought that has the ability to create emotion. These subjects and predicates form something more special than recognition can ever sustain. These sentences are the minuscule pieces of magic. I'm not entirely sure if any of you understand where I speak from--or in fact if any of you will take a moment of your ticking time to take this to heart--but I can tell you for certain that this "scale" on writing that you're looking at is entirely incorrect. I myself, am guilty. Writing is not the gateway to fame--although it may get you there someday--writing is merely the gateway to hearts. Through literature, we as humans have learned society. Through literature, we have expanded our minds. Through literature we have taught ourselves skills of interpretation. Through literature, we have begun to notice love. For those of you that have followed me through my writing journey, I thank you. I thank you for believing in the potential I had yet not learned. For those of you who briefly clicked the follow button, I truly am horrendously sorry for wasting your precious time. For those of you who have actually read this, I thank you for seeing eye to eye. Now, I must conclude my argument. The gateway to acknowledgement only comes to those who realize the difference that they are making when they touch pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard. I see that now. Start believing, buttercup, because you have a long, long way to go. I leave you with this, stop hoping for discovery, discovery will find you... Just start believing.
Love you all so dearly,
Ariana Skye