
Thank you for adding "Wings of Fire: The Secret of Silverstripe" to your reading list!
          Btw, I love your background!


@ElainaOlewnik Thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me for finally someone I don't know to tell me how they feel about my work. 
            My background was actually drawn by one of my friends for one of my other stories, "The Griffins of Leovis: Volume I". I love how she drew Shadowflight, one of the main characters 
            Thank you!
            Also, trust me, I know procrastinating. I save all of these interesting stories on Wattpad and I have a few books on my physical bookshelf I still need but I hardly get around to reading these days because I primarily write, create plot, and draw. Lol example: I have this book on my shelf sticking out because I started reading it, then I went "You know what? I want to write. Let's finish this after I finish this project." *two and a half novels later* "Huh. It's still there. Ah well. Maybe later, when I get around to it."


@ElainaOlewnik of course, sorry it took me so long to get to reading it. It's really good! And thankyou, I love yours too!


hey, I'm just curious are you going to write ANYTHING?!?!


@edsull maybe, now goodnight ttyl


sigh, you better lol


@edsull I am writing something but I may not publish it on wattpad