I don’t do announcement messages very often, but I REALLY want to write a rendition of Great Gatsby with HP characters/settings.
Imagine everyone the same age, female Harry as Daisy, Draco as Tom, Severus as Nick Carroway, and Tom as Gatsby.
@mermaid886 I'm not sure about the idea, of course I didn't exactly enjoy The Great Gatsby when my class was reading it in highschool. That's of course not saying it isn't a good story, just that it wasn't my proverbial cup of tea.
Hi @mermaid886, recently I started reading all you Tom riddle stories it's actually quite addictive so I really request you to post more Tom riddle story loved all your stories ✨and I ur huge fan
Hello! I don’t usually take requests as I don’t have much time to write anymore. If there’s something you would like though, I may consider including it in a future fic.
I’ve been reading your professor potter and Tom riddle story and I love it!! Can you do another one but of Tom Riddle being the professor and Harriet Potter being the student?
Hi there! I’ve actually thought about doing that but have been afraid for being criticized about him coming after an underage girl, lol. I may age her up a bit and give it a try though. Thanks for reading, I’m glad you’re enjoying the story! And thanks for reaching out too!
@milajovis sorry about the late reply.. I actually read that one shot nd loved it soo much that I had ask if you would consider expanding it into a full– fleged story?
Hello! Sorry for the late reply, I need to check my message board more often, lol! I do, it’s under the same pen name - Mermaid886. I hope you are doing well!
Hi slytherins... Anyone want a Tom Riddle /Bellatrix Black sequence... Well check it out in my account and please feel free to point out plot mistakes and comment honesty of the creation.. Please vote and share.. Thanks... Much love.. Got great inspiration from you as well...