
Hello all! I know it's been about 4 years since I've posted last, but I finally uploaded the last few chapters. For years I've been wanted this book to be 'perfect', but that doesn't exist. I realized that that fear shouldn't prevent me from giving  an ending to you guys. I know that it ends kind of abruptly, but I'm leaving loose ends to be up to interpretation. There are some things in life that aren't always explained in books. I'd like to believe that these character's lives exist outside of the text. They're still living and adventuring. So enjoy and thanks for being along for the ride :)


Hello all! I know it's been about 4 years since I've posted last, but I finally uploaded the last few chapters. For years I've been wanted this book to be 'perfect', but that doesn't exist. I realized that that fear shouldn't prevent me from giving  an ending to you guys. I know that it ends kind of abruptly, but I'm leaving loose ends to be up to interpretation. There are some things in life that aren't always explained in books. I'd like to believe that these character's lives exist outside of the text. They're still living and adventuring. So enjoy and thanks for being along for the ride :)


Hey there!
          How're you? We write sci-fi/supernatural stories and we'd love to get your feedback on our first series - Gods and Monsters. If you're able to leave a comment letting us know that would be great.
          Hope you enjoy.


I just updated LitD!! Please go read it and don't forget to comment/vote/ and share with your friends! Also if you are interesting in making a photo or video edit, then message me the end product (or the link if it's on YouTube) and I just might feature it in the story! Thank you my lovely lost boy and girls! Happy reading! :) 


I just posted chapter 19 of Lost in the Darkness!!! Please go read it and also please don't forget to vote/comment/follow/ and share it with friends!!!
          Also, if any of you are interested in making edits (video or photo) for Lost in the Darkness, message me the edit and I just might feature it in the story!! 
          Happy reading! :) 


Thank you all so much for 2K reads on Lost in The Darkness!! I love you all and I really appreciate y'all for taking your time to read what I write. It is my passion and knowing that people read my works is amazing! Love you! xoxo