
★ my husband is cole 
          	    sprouse & my wife is
          	    olivia rodrigo <3 just
          	    thought i might share!
          	(also, the merrell twins are like
          	 my sisters and sam & colby are
          	 like my brothers! just so u know!
          	 forget what i said about colby cuz
          	 now that i think about it i love him
          	 as a brother!)


★ my husband is cole 
              sprouse & my wife is
              olivia rodrigo <3 just
              thought i might share!
          (also, the merrell twins are like
           my sisters and sam & colby are
           like my brothers! just so u know!
           forget what i said about colby cuz
           now that i think about it i love him
           as a brother!)