
So I posted my new fanfic last night! who read it?


hey guys! I am so sorry that is has been like 3-4 weeks since I have updated my story! I was on vacation for a week and a half and I got home and WiFi wasn't working and now I'm volunteering a lot so I've been busy! I'm working on the next chapter now and hope to have it up tonight or early tomorrow! How are you guys?


I'm great! thanks :)


@hssaunders5300 Awww thank you! :) Hmmmm that's top five are: More of You, Through All of It, Out Time is Now, You Are, and Back To Life! What are ur top five? :)


@messenger2515   my top five are: Fool's Gold, Scars, Wake Up, Our Time is Now, More of You, and Let Them See You.  I am dying to meet him but the closet he is gonna be to me is 4 hrs away in March xD


Hey guys! I'm super sorry I haven't updated in a few days! Teachers are cramming for finals and I've had a tournament all week. So I'm up doing homework til midnight or 1 every night this week. But I know what's gonna happen in the story and it'll be good! Again I am so sorry and I will post Saturday or Sunday! :) you guys are the best!