
╱╱ ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀cb and specify if you'd like a liner/something longer.  a mood too if you have something in mind


/ if it’s not too late then curious or annoyed?


   /        hostile   encounter   !


|| cautious first meet? am down for any length


" it isn't safe that way, friend. though you seem skilled, it is best to avoid that place. goblins have taken over and they're not alone. " haslin wasn't in the business of warning strangers, but part of him knew he couldn't just watch them wonder right into that mess. even if they looked skilled and battle hardened, those numbers were too much for one person. the big elf gave a slight smile, seemed like he was gather herbs when he saw the part-vampire walking through the forest floors. tying up the last bit of wild ginger and packing it in carefully in a rag before stowed in his large pouch. 
          " even the town that used to be up there is a camp for the rest of their forces. the traing roads are infested with gnolls to top that bad news. it is best to either go back and come by sea or risk the deadly encounters along the way. " 


                        almost immediately after the ending of season four


            ⠀⠀ it hurts to walk . he practically has his full weight on alucard , hand squeezing the damphir's shoulder in a silent request for help as he continued to dismiss sypha's worries . still , he manages a laugh at 'trefor' and immediately winces . the walk to castle then goes quietly . trevor reaching out to take sypha's hand and give it a reassuring squeeze . 
            ⠀⠀  " get some rest , love . " trevor insisted , " let the blonde bastard do some work , won't you ? considering he's had * allll * this time to start a village out here without us . " trevor feels good-natured, and turns to give alucard a grin . perhaps fighting death and living to tell the tale might do that to a man . trevor should also pen down that fighting death hurts like a bîtch , and if he could advise , to never do it . 
            ⠀⠀ sypha leaves , with a good load of hesitance herself . she insists that she'll come back to check on trevor's wounds , and trevor continues to quip barbs to emphasize that he's fine . when she's out of earshot , trevor lets out a bone-deep groan . 
            ⠀⠀ " alright . let's stop here . set me down . " he panted , finally letting himself acknowledge the ache of the bruises and burns . there's something incredibly wrong with his side -- he doesn't know what , but it hurts to breathe too deep . and he's confident the swelling of his arm under his tunic is likely a broken arm . 
            ╱╱  interacting the trio without someone from the trio is like 'how do i manage to excuse [ character ]'s absence' </3


" you have an odd soul. it is human but still undead. how curious. " a voice spoke out. the abandoned and rotting church seemed very much still occupied. kept by its old protector, left to rot like everything else. unable to leave.
          " a lesser demon, no doubt. but you stink of /the first one/. the first human gifted the powers of my kind. "


nasty little vermin such as yourself always get their comeuppance.


/ agree with you there. women’s wrongs = women’s rights. this chain is giving me post s4 ideas though ahhh


@messiahslept   ♱   she recollected the series of events that occurred not only before and during dracula’s maneuver but after, too. the ruse carmilla gave rise to was a political nightmare for the people of styria, forcing lenore to scramble around to her feet. she marched towards him, seething, “do not write it off as ‘inherent greed’. you know that it is much more than that. it is political warfare, and there have been violent uprisings as a result of it,” she slammed her hands on the table.


╱╱ ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀she does no wrong in my eyes


╱╱ ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀cb and specify if you'd like a liner/something longer.  a mood too if you have something in mind


/ if it’s not too late then curious or annoyed?


   /        hostile   encounter   !


|| cautious first meet? am down for any length


                  wallachia , the belmont-dracula structure .


            ⠀⠀he rolled his eyes at alucard’s suggestion of a circus . but against his own better judgement, he couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped him , “ you know i might be amenable to jumping through rings of fire if i’m properly compensated . maybe i’ll even learn to dance . “ trevor glanced over to sypha , expression softening , “ no . erm . sypha wants to go back to her troupe. and i know my way back to gresit , so i’ll probably tag along . “
            ⠀⠀ that easily has sypha launching into an explanation of how she wants to travel around wallachia so that she can get a better understanding of the country they’re in . admits that while the speakers are nomadic , they’re slow in their travel . 
            ⠀⠀ trevor scratched his beard , propping his chin on a hand , “ i’ll probably tag along with sypha , “ he added , “ i want to get better with my throwing knives , and the way sypha talks i’m sure she’ll get into enough fights so i can practice . “ 
            ⠀⠀ the conversation dies down to an easy calm , sypha letting out a yawn and excusing herself to go to bed . patting her stomach and thanking trevor for the soup . trevor gave her a nod , waving her a ‘bye’ as she headed off to sleep . it goes silent between trevor and alucard without sypha to buffer their conversation . and trevor is too tired for quips right now . instead , he cleared his throat , “ look  . are you sure you’ll be alright ? in . . . well . “ he gestured at the tall ceiling to make a point , “ i can’t even go to the belmont hold without convincing myself i’m supposed to be there . can you live in the house where we killed your father ? "
            ╱╱ is it a bit out of character for trevor to ask alucard a vulnerable question at this stage ? yes . but oh well .


             ⠀⠀  after the work involved in heating up the water and finding soap and a tub large enough to fit him , trevor dragged everything into the bathroom . and sat in the water for so long that when he woke up the sun was down , and the water was cold . it wasn’t often that trevor found a place with enough facilities that he could upkeep his own bodily facilities . dracula’s vampiric nature be dammned , he kept his castle well-furnished . most of trevor’s time was spent cleaning his tunics , mending his coat and cape ( this he did when he was absolutely sure he was alone . no one needed to know that trevor belmont knew how to stitch and fix his clothes like a girl ) . he shaved after what felt like forever , and found a small knife to cut his hair . he did an awful job at it , at least he wasn’t walking around with hair in his eyes anymore . 
             ⠀⠀  he kept .. his distance from the other two . he wasn’t really sure what they’d become , besides people who managed to fit into the stupid speaker prophecy . trevor still wasn’t sure they had found the right person , but knowing that he’d killed vlad dracula tepes was certainly a notch in his belt he wore with pride . he cleaned what he could of the belmont hold , pocketed some weapons that had been locked in cases . and made dinner . the first time they’d had dinner , trevor had felt a lump in his throat grow wide . he’d shoveled food into his mouth and gave the others some pathetic excuse that he didn’t even remember . chest so full of feeling he didn’t know what to make of it . he slept in the belmont hold again . 
             ⠀⠀ trevor had made soup that dinner with the herbs sypha had found during one of her walks . it was a little sweeter than he liked , but it was an acceptable meal . and the bread wasn’t stale — it was a better meal than he was used to . trevor was often the first person to finish his meal , so he leaned back on his chair drinking water sweetened with some of the wildflower honey he’d found . 
            [ 2 / 3 ]


this message may be offensive
             ⠀⠀the first night after defeating dracula , trevor hadn’t even waited for invitation to be shown a bed . the door to the hold was open with sypha’s magic . the stack of books they’d been digging through to find a way to make the mirror work were still stacked in the corner . the blanket hypha and trevor had slept under ( to conserve warmth , trevor had insisted as he’d ducked under the blanket with his cheeks on fire . he had then let out a squeak when sypha had stuck her hands under trevor’s cloak . icy fucking fingers that woman had . ) it was all trevor needed , exhausted and somewhat dizzy from the lack of proper food . he’d collapsed without question , not totally sure where his travel companions had ended up . not that he really needed to care — they didn’t even know each other all that well . 
             ⠀⠀ he spent the next day going around the castle , stepping around the scorch marks on the floor . not sure if they were just products of dracula’s anger , or had previously been people . trevor didn’t want to accidentally curse himself or something by stepping into old magic . first thing was first : a bath . alucard had shown both trevor and hypha some contraption that brought water to the baths . already warmed and ready . he said something about the pipes and a heating system . trevor stared at the thing in the morning and decided that there was no use in teaching an old dog new tricks . he found well buckets and a sturdy stick and went off to the stream to get enough water for a bath for three people . not that he told alucard and sypha that he got them * bath water * from the creek . what was he ? a pack mule ? 
            [ 1 / ? ]


╱ if u give me a mood i can drop a starter (or liner if you'd like!)


╱ not the thing that should’ve never happened sob sob ,,, i’ll get to it soon !


╱╱ ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀OUHH ID LOVE A STARTER.. maybe like the day or a couple hours before trevor n sypha leave?


/ yippee ! 


╱ THANK YEW !!! safe to say im a little excited ><


╱╱ ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀i need to drop IMMEDIATELY hold on






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╱╱ ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀nah bro more respect to photoshop/illustrator users that shit complicated 
            and take your time!  I'm sure it'll come out amazing <3


/ i’ll put effort in my anon as well so ur not left hanging :salute:


/ THATS CRAZY you’ve got more patience than i :,,) 


⠀⠀⠀▋⤻⠀⠀new mb 


i’d scroll down for u


ik it's u ellie..

