
Ahh guys I'm finally publishing one of my stories! I just started working on this one, it's a rough start but I published the first part. Please read and enjoy and I always appreciate feedback, love you guys♡


          No problem, I really thought that it was beautiful.


@ronnie_addison Wow thank you so much! Hearing that means the world to me! I don't know if you've been following my other stories, but I haven't been able to update recently (at all!), I've had too much work. I finally had some time off tonight, and I felt inspired to write! :) it's been so much fun to get back to it, writing is just so relaxing! So I'm really glad you enjoyed it! :) x


@J4D3R4V3N no problem, I really enjoy reading them your quite a talented writer 


@J4D3R4V3N Honestly both of those things would be amazing thank you so much! ^-^ I'll recommend your books to my friends I'm sure they'll love to read them