
Hi, guys! Starting from next monday, I'll be starting my second semester at University, so I won't be worping on Wattpad as offten. The Story that I've been working on is a bit advanced, so I will keep posting Monday and Friday, until the first arc of the story ends. When I get back to vacations, I will continue to work on the next arc of the story.


Hi, guys! Starting from next monday, I'll be starting my second semester at University, so I won't be worping on Wattpad as offten. The Story that I've been working on is a bit advanced, so I will keep posting Monday and Friday, until the first arc of the story ends. When I get back to vacations, I will continue to work on the next arc of the story.


Alright, we’ll continue this in the morning. Good night.


@ChrisFoster1, nope, I'm not continuing this tomorrow. I apologize if my Miraculous Sonic series bad some flaws, but that's some thing I gave up on. I apreciate your criticism, and I'll try to research the personalities of the characters in my stories, but keep on mind that this is and alternative universe, so please try to see my stories that way. Good night, thanks for your criticism, and happy new year


You made Sonic act like Lanolin in Ephemeral at the beginning of it! That’s not his style!


@ChrisFoster1 AU means "Alternative Universe".


@ChrisFoster1, a lot of others writers do this, I'm not an exception! If I don't get things right, I apologize, but I simply cannot have Sonic being over confident all the time! He tende to have a cocky personality sometimes, which can get quite anoying. I'm not going to change this AU, just because of that!


Wait…what’s an AU?