
Omg all the messages before Dec 11 r so cringe ew... this is so embarrassing 


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          Super bitch model here be grateful your even seeing my post!
          Anyways so like, I hate where I live, cus there some musty dusty crusty people here who do dr*gs and like they are the whole ass reason why my parents wont let me out until next year when my ass gets so fucking tired to the point where I'm just on tiktok all day because I'm worried about horrible people at my school  and there's this Instagram account about my school talking bad about everyone and I'm just not going to say anything to anyone anymore except for like 3 people there because I feel as if I can't trust as much people anymore  I SHOULD'VE FELT THAT WAY FROM THE START BUT OKAY
          I was originally here for a douma x reader but no I am now just speaking verbally even though I'm just touching glass instead of speaking verbally but my point still stands, and now I want to go back to it so that's what I'm gonna do bye
          Say bye to me verbally because then I'll like fart


My love Is seeing this rn so hi love