
I am currently back from my hiatus. Mainly bcs i forgot my password and i ignored it but now i thought of updating my works since i am on a semester break from my college. Do help yrsef with my new updates on my works ❤️


I am currently back from my hiatus. Mainly bcs i forgot my password and i ignored it but now i thought of updating my works since i am on a semester break from my college. Do help yrsef with my new updates on my works ❤️


          I'd like to say Hi!


But thankyou for the greet! Hi to you too, sweetie 


OMG. I AM SO SORRY FOR THE REALLY LATE REPLY. i really havent been opening my wattpad ever since i forgot the password and i just let it b since i am a university student now 


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Seriously, wattpad is malfunctioning. I tried to sent a complaint to its email but it was in despair. Its under maintenance or something, i dunno. I was having a major idea outburts and i was hoping to put it in the next part of my work but i can't fucking update my work!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhh