
scrapped my teaser vid for a diff idea LMFAO this'll take a while :''')


Hii!!! Are you okay, author nim? Do you feel better? I really want to know if you're okay.


@blahuserblah nah that's okay. I wasn't very active either. Happy to know you're fine❤️


@blahuserblah hello!! first of all, i'm so sorry for the late response T.T I'm doing okay, don't worry! ^^


[ vent, tw / will delete this in a few hours ]:
          I broke down today over some hygiene thing and I noticed a pattern; I often break down over things because of people that have or have been harassing me in a sexual manner. I saw my groomer two days ago. The woman who had ruined me as a kid. I think I broke down because of her. I have no idea. But I couldn't really share any of my pain to my close loved ones now because they're busy and I don't really have active friends atm. I'm just not in a good place right now. Can someone help me fix this habit of breaking down whenever I see these people? Thank you.


I'm so sad that you had to go through all that. You're a wonderful person and didn't deserve all that. 
            It is natural to be emotionally unstable when you see those people, but please try not to break down. It would be better to channelise your anger, instead of your sadness. If you get what I'm saying? 
            I mean, get angry at them (I don't know if you can, but this is how I deal with it.) but don't show them your weakness or the supposed control the psychopath has over you. I wish you happiness and strength in all these tough times. Have a great day!


@mgnifiqueyoo ofc!! i just requested and sent you a message!! <3


@mgnifiqueyoo sure! its @/cobfairies. dm me whenever you feel want to talk about anything <33


writing shenanigans would be back on july! <3 see u all ^^


hello, everyone!
          it's been a while since i've posted a proper status here and i am officially going on hiatus. there are a lot of things that are going on with my personal life and i noticed that i haven't really started properly writing again even though i did set a schedule for it (yikes). i might be get back into the zone again around the second half of the year since i really have a lot of projects planned for this year and it kind of sucks that not all of them will be published soon :< i hope you all could wait for me 'til our next communion!~


@mgnifiqueyoo Will gladly wait for you, author. Take your time. Love you