
Dear everyone! I've been a terrible writer, I know, I don't update things. I'm sorry, really, I am. But I have a reason! My laptop went kaput on me in the middle of the school year, aaaagh! No writing! It was terrible. But I did finally get myself to a computer and have just updated Small Town Roots with a new (albeit shorter) chapter! Yay! My Academia book will also be seeing an update soon, I promise! Thank you to all the lovely people who have commented on my stories, I love reading those! Anyways, enjoy lovelies! And hang in there!


Dear everyone! I've been a terrible writer, I know, I don't update things. I'm sorry, really, I am. But I have a reason! My laptop went kaput on me in the middle of the school year, aaaagh! No writing! It was terrible. But I did finally get myself to a computer and have just updated Small Town Roots with a new (albeit shorter) chapter! Yay! My Academia book will also be seeing an update soon, I promise! Thank you to all the lovely people who have commented on my stories, I love reading those! Anyways, enjoy lovelies! And hang in there!


Forgive the lack of activity in my novel, Small Town Roots. I have been so overwhelmed with classes and life's curve balls...well, you don't really want to hear about that. What you want to hear is that I'm updating STR tomorrow! Yes, tomorrow because I need a little more time to finish the next chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.