
          	Currently I have not updated which I am terrible at.
          	But if anyone has noticed I have unpublished all the chapters to my first book My love life...true story. I did this because even with the highest votes and views I just found myself cringing of what an idiot I was and still am when it comes to the romance department but I'm in a good place in my life and have realised my mistakes and understand whats most important in life. Hence I am restarting My love life...true story, It's not following the same plan I initially had for it but i hope this time it will be better and I might add some of the better old chapters 
          	I hope you have the chance to read it and reflect 
          	thank you for your love and support xoxo


          Currently I have not updated which I am terrible at.
          But if anyone has noticed I have unpublished all the chapters to my first book My love life...true story. I did this because even with the highest votes and views I just found myself cringing of what an idiot I was and still am when it comes to the romance department but I'm in a good place in my life and have realised my mistakes and understand whats most important in life. Hence I am restarting My love life...true story, It's not following the same plan I initially had for it but i hope this time it will be better and I might add some of the better old chapters 
          I hope you have the chance to read it and reflect 
          thank you for your love and support xoxo


Hi everyone
          Schools out for summer so I will be posting chapters for a genie with wings more often, I know I've been a bit lazy with chapters but I have written a chapter but in my notebook and it rather long so it will hopefully be up tonight, tomorrow at the latest 
          Love you all