
Happy Friday Everyone!  Secret Sisterhood New Chapter is ready.  Enjoy it. 
          	Don´t forget to have fun on your weekend and like Jia and her friends, dare to try new amazing things.


Hi! Thank you so so so much for your ideas. I've been having a bit of a writer's block lately, so it was very helpful :)
          You are so so so nice, by the way <3


            As inspiration... Name 3 things you will be doing this Sunday.  As for me 1. Church. 2. Need to go to the mall (clothing.) 3. Send you a big happy kiss and hopefully read some of your stories new entries.


            Ooooh, yes yes yes! That would be amazing! :D


            You are an amazing person, I know what you mean about writer´s block... same happens to me, been wanting to write a new fantasy story, or... well other story, so I would love for you to also give me ideas, maybe together we can have a good inspiration.