
watching the OG daredevil series is torture. iykyk


hello very much, thought i’d hope on here real quick and say this… i am not in support of ANYONE talking or engaging with minors inappropriately. it is so disheartening to see people participating in such behaviors and trying to play it off as something normal. as a victim of grooming myself (not in this situation obviously), it hurts my heart to see this being accepted. if you have ever been in this kind of situation, just know that it is never your fault and you do not need to apologize for something you had no control over.


*hop. omg. f*ck my stupid chungus life.


I have not been active on my profile for a while due to lack of inspo and procrastination, but after seeing the atrocities that have been happening in Gaza, Palestine all over the internet, I felt the need to let y’all know that I believe in a free Palestine. To any of my followers and/or mutuals that are Palestinian, I feel for you, your families, and your people. I wish there was more I could do but I know that simply spreading awareness can bring more good than people think. And another thing, Free Palestine from the River to the Sea does not mean that Israeli citizens should be killed or forced out. It means that they should be able to live together in peace. Do not misconstrue my words and my intentions. Everyone deserves a home but no one gets to remove others from their homes because they feel entitled to it because of their concept of it being the “Holy Land”. God/Yahweh/Allah didn’t make it the Holy Land for only one religion. It was made for everyone.
          From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!


Thank you! I’m trying to find more to post as well!


            Definitely sharing the link to my family and followers!