
I miss everyone... I miss my old friend group, my elementary friends, my uncles, my biological father. I miss them. I miss my old online friend, he was an amazing person. He made me laugh and even though we were continents apart we found a way to communicate. But he left out of no where. I don't know what I did wrong. I miss my biological father who I haven't seen in years. I miss my old friend group, we laughed and laughed. I miss the hugs, us talking. I miss my elementary friends, oh how we would play around together. All of us walking home together. I miss my uncles, we all used to get along so well, but government and family problems rised quickly, not as if they weren't always there to begin with. I miss everything, I feel stuck. I fee as if everyone if moving on from all the pictures I see of them. Not of my elementary friends though, we haven't spoke or seen each other in years, we lost contact. I feel trapped in my own home, I want to go out. I want to catch up with my friends and hold them. Hug them. Tell them how much I missed us hanging out.


@FightorWrite746  Thank you for caring, honestly that is something I just want people to do, to notice others pain. I hope you have a good day/night as well and the same goes for you as well. My dm's are always open if you want to talk as well.


@mi-vida-de-nada Hey, if you ever wanna talk, my messages are open, okay? Be kind to yourself and have a good day/night ❤️


I miss everyone... I miss my old friend group, my elementary friends, my uncles, my biological father. I miss them. I miss my old online friend, he was an amazing person. He made me laugh and even though we were continents apart we found a way to communicate. But he left out of no where. I don't know what I did wrong. I miss my biological father who I haven't seen in years. I miss my old friend group, we laughed and laughed. I miss the hugs, us talking. I miss my elementary friends, oh how we would play around together. All of us walking home together. I miss my uncles, we all used to get along so well, but government and family problems rised quickly, not as if they weren't always there to begin with. I miss everything, I feel stuck. I fee as if everyone if moving on from all the pictures I see of them. Not of my elementary friends though, we haven't spoke or seen each other in years, we lost contact. I feel trapped in my own home, I want to go out. I want to catch up with my friends and hold them. Hug them. Tell them how much I missed us hanging out.


@FightorWrite746  Thank you for caring, honestly that is something I just want people to do, to notice others pain. I hope you have a good day/night as well and the same goes for you as well. My dm's are always open if you want to talk as well.


@mi-vida-de-nada Hey, if you ever wanna talk, my messages are open, okay? Be kind to yourself and have a good day/night ❤️


I need help understanding my feelings. Okay, look so there's this friend that I've been friends with for 5 years. We are best friends. But the thing is, I recently started to find myself smiling so much when they're around. I get so happy and it's as if I could tell them anything. But I hold back a lot. 
          I also got Instagram recently and whenever I get a notification I catch myself hoping it's them. Recently, I found photos of my best friend with their other friends, and well they look so happy with them and it hurts. Cause I feel like they are happier with them then with me. I also get jealous whenever my cousins get to close with my best friend and honestly, I don't even know anymore. I don't understand how I feel. 
          I love being friends with them, I do but there are moments where I just can listen to them for hours. Or I catch myself thinking of them. Oh and my best friend has a lover but I don't feel any sort of jealousy towards them.


@mi-vida-de-nada Thank you, and you too


            Hope you have a good day :)


@mi-vida-de-nada  your very welcome, they have apologized to me not too long ago and we just hopped each other a better life for each other and thank you I will remember if I ever do need to talk and you welcome<3 <:)


Helloo People! How are you all?! 
          So far for me, school sucks as hell. I have to much late due assignments that honestly I feel like giving up on them and just focus on the classes I'm doing somewhat good, since I will be attending summer school to make up some classes.


            I also believe you'll do great in your summer school as well. And yes, it's best to just do your best and soon enough, you'll become the proper age to move out and live your life.


@mi-vida-de-nada yeah we'll just have to do our best! I believe you'll do great I'm your summer school, And yeah they are but I am trying my best to hang on I'll just keep trying not to let them get to me.


            Well, even though we don't really know each other. At least we both well be attending summer school. So let's do our best! And your parents sound terrible, just hang in there.