


So an old friend of mine just taught himself how to sew... He made plushies, but based them off of terri-I mean, funny things
          He's going to go off to disturb the peace wherever he will go and it will be great. Magnificent bastard.
          • Chicken: He plans on throwing it at people and yelling "COCKBLOCK!"
          • Duck: Throwing it at people and yelling "DUCK!"
          • Baby Gorilla: He wants to drag this around through a river to see if people will still shoot. The ultimate tribute to Harambe, if you ask me.
          • Crab: This one will also be thrown at people, and if hey catch it he'll tell "YOU GOT CRABS!"
          • Squid: Actually I'm not too sure on this one yet.
          He's still making more...


Today in history class we played Quizlet and I set my name as "swiggity swiz imma quiz"...apparently everyone thought it was a lot funnier than I did, so whenever the teams shuffled (usually about 2 minute intervals) all you could hear was the whooping and hollering of 20 students and the few confused ones who had no idea what was even going on.